Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Alodar
As long as the story is convincing the characters that resting is bad then advancing the story shouldn't be tied to resting, IMHO.
On the other hand tho, thime should pass naturaly ...

Yes, you may "not yet have all your hp and spellslots used" ...
But 24 hours is 24 hours ... no matter how much you "dont want to rest yet" ... i dont think we should be able to squeeze ten day march into single Long Rest ...
And therefore, it seems quite logical for story advancing to be tied into long rests, after all they are the only way to measure time we have. :-/

That's a great point.
I suppose I would use real time as an abstraction of game time.
If I played for 16 hours of real time then I would be forced to have my party rest, however 16 hours of playing the game gets me pretty far into the story.

You could also compare it with live sessions of D&D.
When we play D&D an adventuring day is 10-12 encounters with at most 2 short rests.

Either way frequent long rests don't make sense and that's without the belief that your character could at any point turn into a Mind Flayer.

Last edited by Alodar; 05/12/22 09:26 PM.