I liked the trailer overall, I thought it was cool and it looked good. One thing I'll say though is that I think we should hesitate to look at the trailer in terms of Early Access. This is a trailer to really show off BG3 for world, so I don't think necessarily it will indicate what we can expect from the coming patch.

As for deeper thoughts on the trailer itself, I do wish that this had been the moment when they revealed our other companions, though I can understand them not wanting to do that right before the PFH and all it's doing. There was a lot of fun stuff in the trailer. I did not put together that the elf was Jaheira though. As for Minsc's reveal, he earned big points by killing that mimic (I HATE mimics, they freak me out just on a conceptual level, as well as in form). I think that this is the first time BG3 has really shown reverence for the older games. I'm not familiar with the older games so maybe there's been stuff that I missed, but that's my perspective. I like it, and I do hope that this puts to bed some fears in this forum that Larian will play Minsc as too much of a joke, or a joke in poor taste. And I hope that those fears would be rightly allayed.