Originally Posted by snowram
I don't really see any dissonance there. After resting a few nights, you trigger the night scene where everyone at the camp is suffering. You then just wake up the next day like nothing happened. At this point anyone (players and characters alike) should reach the logical conclusion that the transformation wont happen for an unknown reason considering you know how fast a transformation happen after the symptoms.

Even if players trust that sentiment/belief (and not everyone will), there's still the issue of having to long rests an abnormal/illogical amount of time to unlock all scenes that trigger at camp (tadpoles, Raphael, and all companions scenes). That and the fact that having some companions in the party prevents certain scenes with other companions from happening. Which prevents further scenes from happening.

For instance, if SH is in the group, Astarion won't talk about his nightmare and the fact that Cazador inscribed a "poem" into his back. Without that scene, the "scar scene", where Astarion ask the player to look at the scars will never trigger.

Hopefully, this is just an issue because this is EA, because this doesn't feel like a properly thought-out/executed mechanic.

Plus, as I said before, I'm not a fan of hiding content for the sake of "replay value". It feels awkward and prevents certain types of RPing.

I looove the game...but this part is...not good, in my humble opinion.