Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Flooter
I interpret Larian drawing attention to Minsc's voice actor as a sign it might be Jim Cummings. Why point it out if you think you'll dissapoint your audience?

Less than an hour now... and I'm out of beer!
I just restocked. Have some whiskey and wine left as well, depending on how well or how poorly the evening will progress. wink

I feel it would be weird if they teased the person who used to play the role. Like "Find out who is playing Spider-man in the next Spider-man movie!". Uhm, the guy who played him the last time around?

I also feel it hints for the name to be of some excitement to Larian's audience (aka. not BG1&2 fans) - I doubt that Winnie the Pooh voice will raise the hype. Though I am not in touch with youth. Maybe Pooh is hip again.

Pooh has that Xi Jingping thing going, so he's actually subversive now.