Hmm, there's a report from Reddit indicating that attacks of opportunity are still fully automated. That could be problematic (especially from the standpoint of purposefully baiting it from enemies so they can't use a reaction on something else). Though I guess even if they weren’t automated, enemies would still use it first chance they get.

I assume we still have the option to toggle it off for ourselves though, which means it isn't that big of a deal from a player character standpoint. Though if they removed said toggle from us to accommodate the new reaction system, I would hope we don't see enemies baiting AoOs from us to avoid our own stronger reaction abilities.

Looks like Sneak Attack doesn't have options for it either, though to be fair, it was also fully automated in Solasta. (And I'm not sure it's meant to have options? IIRC it's supposed to automatically apply on the first successful hit no matter what, unless I'm missing something here about what people mean about wanting control over this, as I don't have much familiarity with rogues.)

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 14/12/22 08:54 PM.