I assume it will potentially break. Seeing multiplayer kind of creates two parties with companions linked to a seperate main character, which leads other players unable to take for let's say astarion if linked to another custom char. I mean technically you can stealth snipe from outside the engagement of the other PC. I know Sven has stated to the point that this seperation within multiplayer is going to change, I assume multiplayer will be finally considered one party xD. Overall I think the reaction system works, though I really think they should have added shield spell as well, so we could have tested this alongside counterspell.

@Saito Hikari, do you know if solasta's ready action mechanic is a DnD 5e thing? or is that just homebrew tactical games did?

Overall happy that we got lvl 5 to muck around with and with 11/12 classes there is quite a lot of characters you can build now at least. What I do remain curious about though is, how will Larian handle reactions from here on out. I feel it would be a good idea to open up maybe a few more subclasses to the existing classes though before they hit 1.0. I know they have playtesters for acts 2 and 3, but I do think using the enxt x months gathering feedback from the EA crowd on other subclasses could be a good idea as well. I mean, wizard is missing 5 or 6 subclasses still, and cleric at least 4 smile. I like wizards finally being unable to learn cleric spells too. No more gale leeching all spells under the sun laugh