Originally Posted by Niara
Hey Brainer,

I more or less agree with the meat and majority of what you had to say here, and the only place I'd diverge would be to say that as long as it's something that only comes into play if the player chooses to select it, then more options is good.

I also share your hope that responses can remain polite and civil and people can behave themselves around this topic.

What I will say is that reading your post, as it is now, was taxing; people who come into the thread predisposed to disagree with you will most certainly not get through reading it properly in its present state. If you can, maybe try to find some places to break up the paragraphs a bit more to create an easier reading experience for everyone who stops by?
Did just that. Happy to hear that people here are open to discussing this.

Why would you rob those people who want this nonsense in their game of this feature? It is not forced upon you in any way and is there just to please the loud minority, that is all. How does it break immersion if you choose the conventional genders for yourself?

I specifically mention in the final part (now it should be less of a poorly constructed blanket) that there could be a way to both have it in for people who desperately want it and for there to be an option to exclude it if it's something that doesn't float with people well. I see it as a more or less just and balanced way, but people tend to find a way to be offended at just about anything, so... who knows?

Between Solasta which allows to "pick a pronoun" that does not. Get. Used. A. Single. Time - and here, where everybody suddenly is a politely affirming telepath, I don't see either approach as particularly... genuine? At least it's not "body type A and B". Small victories...

Last edited by Brainer; 18/12/22 10:56 AM.