Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
I could see Alfira joining up with us, but I think it shouldn't be until act 2. I like her in act one being just this person who's in mourning and trying to rekindle her passion for music again. But she also doesn't seem like someone who's got the chops to be an actual adventurer. I like her a lot and would romance her in a shot if the opportunity presented itself, but I think there's a lot of value in having just civillian characters who are weaker than us. It helps to actually mark the difference between a regular person and a level one adventurer.

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
I mean, IF (and that alone is huge if) i would bring Alfira with me, i wouldnt want her to become fulltime adventurer, it would ruin her character ...
On the contrary ... she have perfect prequisitions to be that "bad time bad place" kind of follower ... someone who will keep complaining about dirty caverns, bloodthirsty monsters, keep inplying that you should try peacefull solutions ... that kind of stuff.

We allready have enough "lets kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil" followers, dont be shy to try something different Larian! laugh

Her naive attitude, for a change, in a refreshing way, to deal with the circumstances of her current situation (escape from her homeland Elturel, loss of her mentor and lover? Lihala, xenophobia, coping in a new environment, etc.) while making further discoveries predestine her IMO to become an excellent explorer and historian.

TBH I wish Larian had replaced Volo with Alfira! BTW, she doesn't have to be a playable Companion to date her. In DAI, for example, you could also date NPCs like Josephine.

Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 18/12/22 12:36 PM.