For me, there are different levels of badness with respect to the scenes you miss by not spamming rest. I dislike missing scenes that add colour and character information, but that’s not so bad if it’s likely I’ll come across it in another playthrough. It’s worse when the trigger conditions are unlikely to ever be met by any player following a natural path through the game, as I think the stargazing scene still is. But the only unforgivable situations are ones where significant story elements or quests can be missed with no decent rationale.

The only example I’m aware of is interactions with Gale, where if he’s with you in the grove it’s incredibly easy to raise his approval too quickly and so miss his scenes, romance and, most importantly, fail to progress his companion quest. If Larian had fixed this and no other rest-related niggles it would have kept me going until the full release, but as it is I’m grumpy!

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"