Originally Posted by Sozz
I get that, I'm not saying the option shouldn't be available to you, just that without it being meaningfully integrated into the world, what are you really being given? A lot of people create elaborate head canons about their characters, and this seems like little more than that.

You're being given a world in which nobody gives you stupid glances, behind-your-back whispers or direct in-your-face judgement for something that is none of their business. You're being given the opportunity to for once just be, instead of having to constantly explain yourself in the face of bigotry. And lasty, you are simply being acknowledged for the person you are. Of course its not realistic with the real world we live in. But who cares? Its a fantasy world, nothing is realistic.
Nobody can tell me that they like to not be acknowledged as a person, no matter their gender, ethnicity or political views.