It must be noted that there are, in reality, relatively few voice lines that use indirect reference of the player character - the vast, vast majority of all interactions are NPCs talking to you, where pronouns simply do not come into play. They only pop up when one NPC talks to another about you, and those instances are exceptionally rare, as things stand right now - so it's possible that Larian decided that the re-recoding work to add in a third line for each alternate pair that it applied to wasn't a huge ask. We don't know how big a task it was, but it may not be as big a task as folks think, possibly.

Someone asked earlier about people who may wish to play characters with a gender preference that doesn't match their sex, or a non-binary one, and what percentage of those people would actually care about the integrity and immersiveness of the world around them related to that - I feel as though it's not an insignificant group. Immersion in space, and a believable world are important to a lot of people when they sit down to play an RPG - a very large percentage, and that's going to hold true regardless of an individuals preferred gender identity.

The main gap is that for NB folks who have struggled with recognition, acknowledgement or poor treatment as a result, the positive feeling of having their game 'just know', universally, and be respectful, universally, may outweigh the negative they still genuinely do feel for the implausible breaks in immersion and world that such a unilateral change creates. This doesn't mean it's a good thing though; the ideal would be to have the game able to handle your identity, without breaking its own believability in the process, and that is an attainable goal... it just takes more work than a company may be willing to put in, if their only doing the base level implementation as a token PR-generation move. The unfortunate truth here is that people who have felt marginalised and denied in this way are often desperate enough to take what they're given and celebrate about it regardless... and PR departments know that.