I suppose I might as well chime back in and mention that, since the concept of identity is regarded as "fluid" (further frustrating those who are already up in arms against it), then if the game were to provide options (via a classic Magic Mirror, for example), to alter it, then it all becomes even less coherent since the world restructures itself around the PC yet again and you can potentially have a male-coded romance scene first and then a female-coded one (I still have no clue what it takes into account for a non-binary character. Sex? Defaulting to a female one because it's first on the list?).

As for the Dragonborn, their appearance is still rather sexually dimorphic, with the males being wider and bulkier in frame with masculine proportions in shoulders and hips, and females being more slender and subdued. Plus the voices, which would realistically be, on average, lower than for most other humanoids, but still affected by different vocal cord development. While the voice options we are given are not gender-locked, it was already a gimmick back in the original BG games' days. I never really thought much of it apart from being there mostly for humorous purposes.

Earlier someone also mentioned Mizhena from Siege of Dragonspear. Honestly? My by then even less world-conscious arse simply read that character as the stereotypical "woman who was brought up as a boy" trope, which isn't unheard of and is something that would make perfect sense in the setting, and was confused as to why people were, well, confused and angry. With how that interaction was written, it was just vague enough to not be something out of Dragon Age: Inquisition where there's little guessing as to what the writers are saying there. I guess it remains a headcanon of mine to this day.

As for the question of why can the concept of gender identity and its inclusion bother some (potentially offensive?):

The idea of ephemeral identity being used to override safeguards and to force genuinely non-conforming people into what's essentially just different, carefully designed, and just-as-trapping boxes instead of accepting that unique personalities need not all be ascribed to gender while reducing the entire spectrum of psychological states to a few marketable, sellable labels which reduces exploration of "self" to instantly affirming any kind of non-conformity as a sign of being disconnected from the natal sex rather than just finding things which one enjoys and which one doesn't is hardly progress to a better future. It's as regressive and insidious as it gets, and results in cultural erasure just seemingly out of the desire to remove any conservative and traditional ideas which are considered wrong by default without any nuance.

And if we are to be technical, then every person is conceptually "non-binary", as nobody displays 100% masculine or feminine traits, and some traits might as well not be classified as such at all. It's yet another noose, not a ticket out, and seeing it being shoehorned into fictional settings mostly on account of them being originally written in English and as such supporting the pronoun game is saddening, honestly - UNLESS it's done in a way that actually makes sense from the world-building perspective (e.g., Pyre, as I've mentioned in the first post). Common is English only in the English version of FR. Switch to a language that does not support it quite as easily, and linguistically justifying it suddenly becomes more complicated. Anyway, that's probably enough out of me, I'd rather not have the topic locked now that it's gained traction.

Also (NSFW):

Apparently, the nude models are going to become more anatomically accurate, according to some mined visuals (and modders who have already implemented them). Cannot believe I am asking this, but if the, erm, assets are to be defined by the identity to match the animations in scenes... while I am hardly an expert, but to my knowledge, most futanari characters are regarded as female? I am gonna retreat back into the shadows now. And ponder the potential extent of degeneracy on display. Goodness.

Last edited by Brainer; 19/12/22 12:44 PM.