Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
The only example I’m aware of is interactions with Gale, where if he’s with you in the grove it’s incredibly easy to raise his approval too quickly and so miss his scenes, romance and, most importantly, fail to progress his companion quest. If Larian had fixed this and no other rest-related niggles it would have kept me going until the full release, but as it is I’m grumpy!

I stand corrected! Gale has suddenly decided to confide in me about his problem, which at least moves his quest on. Not quite sure what triggered it. I already had the sword he would be interested in a couple of rests ago. This may be the first rest since I also had the idol of Silvanus. I’ll play around and see if I can work it out.

Also, and this is something I have seen in previous versions I think, when I clicked on Gale to speak to him, my character said “First in my heart” which implies some sort of romance and there’s been no hint of that. I do think Gale has the highest approval of any companion, but this seems a bit forward.

EDIT: Just got as far as the post-goblin party, and Gale propositioned my character. Which was a bit out of nowhere given they’d hardly interacted, and I’m not interested in romancing him this playthrough. But at least it now seems possible to progress a Gale romance and his companion quest even if his approval soars in the early game. It’s a bit unfulfilling as you still seem to miss at least a couple of nice scenes (the weave one, and I think maybe at least one more though can’t recall exactly what chats you can get with him). But still this looks like an improvement, though I’m still not sure exactly what led to Gale suddenly deciding to talk to me.

Last edited by The_Red_Queen; 20/12/22 01:42 PM.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"