I like the implementation of the fly spell, it is a lot of fun to use and basically go anywhere you want, especially with the verticality of the game, however, one of the main benefit of the spell is missing. That being out of reach for enemy melee characters.

It seems quite intuitive, that, if you could fly, the first thing you would do in combat is fly up and attack your enemy with ranged projectiles from out of reach. So it is somewhat immersion breaking, when I can not do that.

Now, I understand why that is. The way the movement system in the game works, I can only click on the ground to move. I like this system, it is fine the way it is. However, of course this means I can not just click into nothing to control my character.

An easy fix for this would be to add a seperate class action called levitate (as you probably have already with the levitate spell). So basically, you can spend some movement (just like when flying to any point you click on) and then fly 10ft up over the ground of the spot where you clicked.

When you then move by clicking, you do that 10ft above the ground. Until you either lose concentration, or use another 10ft to fly down again. This would fix the combat utility problem of the spell, without needing to change much. It would be very simple to implement and would probably make a lot of fans happy smile

In terms of power, quite a lot of enemies have arrows, spells, javelins and so on, so I don't think this would be overpowered. As for levitate, I think the similarity is no problem, since levitation could always be replicated with flight, even in tabletop, and fly costs a 3rd level spell slot, can not be used by warlocks, and levitate can be used offensively (to make an enemy levitate and basically take them out of combat)

- give "levitate" action to character under fly spell
- spend movement to move up vertically
- easy to implement
- does not make levitate spell redundant

Please let me know if you like this suggestion, or how you would fix the fly spell (If you think it needs fixing that is)

The duration has also been reduced from 10min to 1min (100 turns to 10 turns).
I don't see why this is. Imo it should last 100 turns like in tabletop

Last edited by Qoray; 21/12/22 02:17 PM.