Originally Posted by Ignatius
They don't have a Levitate spell to work from presently, so they need to develop that. However, I don't think we can really move vertically straight up in the game engine. At least, I can't think of any creatures/effects that use/produce this type of movement. But, in the end, I think this is just an engine limitation that they're not willing to spend the resources to alleviate.

It's a shame really, flying would be super cool, if not super intelligent, thing to do given the concentration requirement.
But why is that so hard? I am no programmer, so maybe I am stupid here, but it really does not seem like that difficult of a problem to solve. You have some z coordinate, you add a value to it (if there is no object above you). And the animation for flying in the air is also in the game. Right now, you just hover 1ft above ground, not 10ft...

You can use the fly spell as it is right now when you are standing next to some wall to basically fly vertically up (obviously not perfectly vertical, but basically...)

What makes that so difficult to program?