Originally Posted by mrfuji3
I like the solution for free "ascend/descend 10 ft" actions while you're flying. It seems relatively simple. And if it can't be visually represented in the game for whatever reason, just:

Originally Posted by neprostoman
An easy fix would be giving a flying character a 100% dodge against melee attacks with a proper animation (pulling back a little) unless restrained. That is "not cool" but at least it is very easy to implement I think.
We should take it even further and just make them un-targetable by melee attacks. Otherwise, depending on the enemy AI, the enemies might spend turns melee attacking a creature that realistically is ~15 feet above the ground and un-hittable. Basically cheesing the game.

The problem I have with that solution is that
1) It is kind of immersion breaking, if my guy is obviously just standing there, hovering a centimeter above the ground, and the enemy can not reach him
2) to solve that, you would need to implement some kind of "dodgeing by flying away" animation, which to me, as an amateur, seems like far more work
3) there are situations, where you can cast fly on yourself, but should not benefit from the dodge effect. You can cast fly in the cave or in the house too, but because the ceilings are so low, you could not really use it defensively. So they would have to again check for stuff above you. But if you can do that, why can you not also move the model?

Seriously, I have heard this often that flight is not possible to implement because of the divinity engine. But why? I am sure I am missing something but it really seems like it would be easy to solve ^^