Originally Posted by Qoray
Hmm, ok, that makes sense. Although I do think there are parts when you can go over or under a bridge for example. How would you keep track of that (since there are two viable positions with these coordinates?)

That's a good point - perhaps they have layers (like levels/floors in a castle) and your character's z-height is reletaive to the layer you are on? I don't know if the technical detals of their engine are discussed anywhere, I'd be curious to know....

You pointed out the other problematic issue: if you don't keep track of actual 3D world/terrian/model data, then how do you deal with ceilings? If you did simply move the character model higer, then you may clip through a ceiling?

I suspect the hover is low enough so any issues are avoided...but it does look odd and raises the issues you mentioned earlier about attacks from ground etc.

I suppose they could limit fly to outside areas or very high-ceilinged caves (like most of the underdark)? That would be somewhat odd and inconsistent - but might work - each terrain area could have some label such as 'flyable' (as you have with walkabale areas). It