Only problem I still see are areas which are more or less free, apart from small parts. So for example, you fly in the overworld, then there is a bridge. It may be a bit weird to land for the 2m, walk under the bridge, and then start flying again. But yeah, this is BY FAR the best solution.

And levitating should be easy to implement, since the character is already levitating in the current fly spell animation, they just need to increase the height to 10ft if they have the "levitating" condition.

If you can not "levitate" a model because you do not have z coordinates, you could then basically modify the model so that it stands on a 10ft high invisible block basically. That way you still touch the ground and do not need to know the z coordinates, but look like you are up in the air (and obviously that invisible block should not be targeteable)

One thing we could do is reach out to modders for D:OS2, since they will know how the game map works. Then we can be more specific in how this problem could be solved.
Hope it is not too late to implement yet, I really love the Levitate spell. But this really does seem doable. I guess, if the worst happens and it is not fixed, it will be added by modders

Last edited by Qoray; 21/12/22 06:14 PM.