Originally Posted by williams85
Why do we have to settle for mediocre solutions, Larian wanted to make a DnD game and The Fly spell is an integral part of that world. Maybe they could have done some research beforehand to see if their engine was up to snuff or if they needed to make some modifications to it?

We don't necessarily, do we? I think we found a good way to implement it even with the engine difficulties smile

Originally Posted by Qoray
Originally Posted by booboo
I suppose they could limit fly to outside areas or very high-ceilinged caves (like most of the underdark)? That would be somewhat odd and inconsistent - but might work - each terrain area could have some label such as 'flyable' (as you have with walkabale areas). It

Yes! That sounds like a good solution that could reasonably be implemented without having to start all over again smile
Larian, please take note, we have just solved it ^^