Originally Posted by snowram
It looks pretty good, I like the atmosphere it adds to some scene. Problem is that it never serves any game play purpose. I remember only two times in WotR where a specific quest has to be done as at a specific time of the day and weather is just cosmetic.

I agree. As said, in Kingmaker being in the middle of a storm gave debuffs (to ranged combat, at least, don't remember what else).

The only thing affected I've seen in 50 hours or so since I began last year is: Lightning striking your own party for damage (reflex saving throw to half), random NPCs of the map and even deer. (Always cracks me up when the combat log says an animal was just hit by lightning and killled somewhere on the map).

I think it would have been easy to code it so that there was a penalty for spotting upon sneaking, etc. at night.

Still, this is really well done. Here's the same place at night.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Early hours of morning

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Middle of the day.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Approaching evening again, raining (blood).

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Naturally, ambient fx (heat flickering in the sun, foliage moving in the winds) and sound changes accordingly. Seriously blood storms meanwhile are another thing altogether. laugh

Last edited by Sven_; 22/12/22 02:35 AM.