I wouldn’t say that I’m disappointed so much as feeling that the EA paladin is even more unpolished and incomplete than the other classes we have. But given that it’s in some ways a trickier one to implement, I don’t mind this as long as what we have here is the early draft for feedback that it seems to be.

  • I don’t mind the Oathbreaker Knight guy and would be fine with handwaving the implausibilities. I do appreciate the attempt to bring more life to oathbreaking than just having dry narration, but while I’d be happy if Larian did something more realistic in the full release, I also wouldn’t expect them to put disproportionate resources into content only a subset of the players who pick one class would see.
  • It took me a while to understand what was going on with the various smites, but once I got my head around it I enjoyed the combat mechanics of the class.
  • I guess it would be good to get at least one basic heavy armour set at CC or earlier in the game, but this didn’t really bother me and I’m generally okay with the pacing of finding better armour in EA. As long as there’s more cool heavy armour in the full game, of course.
  • Definitely agree that a paladin should (optionally) be able to pick a deity and this impact dialogue choices/actions similarly to a cleric of the same deity, as well as their oath.
  • I like that the game will monitor adherence to your oath and hand out consequences if it’s broken, but agree with everyone who has pointed out that the way the game currently does this is nowhere near good enough. This absolutely needs to be sorted if playing a paladin is going to be at all fulfilling, and the fact that the oaths weren’t (a) clearly stated and (b) sensibly implemented meant that I probably enjoyed the RP aspects of the paladin least of all my playthroughs.

Oh, and it’s not specific to the paladin, but I did like the implementation of reactions (and other conditional effects like smiting). Clearly it’s early days and there’s currently a confusing mishmash of old and new, but definitely moving in the right direction in my view.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"