For those that have played Skyrim moded, you may or may not know that Bethesda added "Content Club" to try and get more revenue from others efforts. Sure content creators are compensated, but the regular updates keep breaking the mods of individuals who have not only worked for free, but may arguably be more responsible for Skyrim's ongoing success than Bethesda themselves. This did not go over well with these talented individuals. Why would you mistreat and discourage your unpaid "partners".

The relevance here is that I have been able to play test many of these very same sub-classes with great success using Nexus.

Each patch breaks these mods, no avoiding this (or is there?).

Options to consider:

1. Supply content creators with a developer's patch kit prior to each update (preview content, tools, and even instructional videos), to make their life easier and to try and find a solution to avoid broken saves.

2. Similar to 1, offer commands to make procedure calls to the game engine itself, eliminating the need to update mods in most cases (if this is possible).

3. At each patch, consider which mods would benefit the game and offer the coders compensation to integrate their efforts into the said patch.

*Thinking sub-classes and feats off the top of my head...If they would even want to part with their work*

Bottom-line: Bird in the hand.