Oh? In the Lost Valley you are practically drowned in magical melee weapon options, now covering most previously non-existent types too (warhammers, spears, scimitars, mauls...). Plus you get an artefact weapon from a certain temple. If anything, the martials have never been better off in Solasta (though a lot of the weapon types are still missing, including most polearms...). If anything, I wished they'd made more of them just purchaseable or findable instead of crafted, because it's quite annoying as a mechanic, to be frank (encouraging you to just camp-spam since time doesn't matter).

That said, the Timekeeper Warlock is a freaking monster of a subclass. Once mine hit level 10, most things became hilariously easy, what with him giving away lethargy-free Haste like there's no tomorrow (pun intended), turning my barbarian into a death machine while himself spamming Agonizing Blast with its damage-over-time effect on top. 30+ damage on a cantrip is... an interesting experience. I really ought to give it another try on the Cataclysm difficulty and attempt to get a more coherent ending.

Last edited by Brainer; 25/12/22 06:32 AM.