Originally Posted by NoctGamingHD
Sadly it really upsetting to see how many people are just like eww SEX, listen if your not 18 plus you shouldnt even be playing this game and if your 18 plus why you shaming one of the most natural act of being human... it make no sense if you have a issue with sex dont play M game. Seriously Larian if your reading this at one point dont take what these ignorant people say just add a no nudity opition and if they grow up in time they can turn it back off.

That’s just unnecessarily rude. I’m not sure which posts you’re referring to, but there have been a variety of different preferences expressed as to whether and how the game should represent sex and numerous reasons given for them, none of which I’ve seen have anything to do with sex or genitalia being icky or shameful. You seem to have a preference for inclusion of explicit sex scenes in the game, and of course you’re entitled to your view but so is everyone else without their views being insulted or misrepresented.

Given that your suggestion - ie include (well executed) explicit scenes for those that want them but give those who don’t the option to skip the most graphic bits - seems to be the one most endorsed in this thread, your tone seems particularly unwarranted.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"