For those of you that have sided with, and romanced, Minthara instead of killing her you know what I'm talking about. For those of you that don't know I will elaborate. There is the option to side with Minthara insteead of just killing her. She has you go back to the grove and signal for her and her invading force and then you open the gate and let them in and help them take over the grove. You then get to romance her that night at the party. There is quite the surprise in store for you when you watch the night sex scene with her. It's literally borderline pron. They don't actually show any genetalia but they show her going down on you and then they switch to you lieing on a table and she climbs on top of you and you 69 each other. Yes the game says it has nudity. Yes the game says sexual content. I was NOT excpectting some teenagers wet dream borderline cartoon porn in my GAME. This is really quite rediculous. Thank you for basically ruining the Baldur's Gate franchise with unnescesary smut. Don't get me wrong, I like porn. NOT cartoon porn. Seriously? If you're one of those people that gets off on cartoon porn I truely am sorry for you. I'm NOT trying to call you a bad person or anything but it really is pretty messed up. But like a lot of things it's not something someone can actually choose to like or not like. You either do or you don't. I certainly don't. I certainly don't need it in my GAME. Yes some games are actually designed around sexual content. But this is D&D and it's Baldur's Gate. NOT Debby does Baldur! I know some of you are thinking "You don't have to play this game" or "You don't have to watch it" but the thing is this is part of my 2nd favorite game franchise so of course I want to play it. No I don't want to watch the porn part of it but I DID watch it just to see exactly how far they were going to go with it. Pretty far! It's not only mentally disturbing but we actually are forced to PAY for this garbage if we want to play the game! Can I have a cheaper NON-PORN version please? Seriously! Why do we even need to put this crap in a GAME to begin with? Ok so we can romance others in the group. Fine! Doesn't require someone wasting time and money programing in actual cartoon porn that we are forced to pay for whether we want it or not. There's enough problems with this game and now i also have to PAY for cartoon porn too? Wow! Love you guys. LOTS of sarcasm there for those not keen enough to pick up on that.