Originally Posted by neprostoman
Originally Posted by Eyebreaker
"Then why didn't you adress the constructive part of Red Queen's argument? Do I have to point out exactly what the argument was? Or can you manage to extract it? May be your "don't know what you are talking about" manner could work on a 10 year old, but man don't be funny
Apparently you do have to point it out. I dn't see it other than her complaining about me voicing MY opinion in the FEEDBACK section. That's what it is MY opinion. I'm not saying it's yours or anyone else's. It's MINE. This is the FEEDBACK section. I have given MY feedback on this topic. whether YOU or ANYONE else agrees with it or not it's still MY opinion. Please do explain. I am a bit conffused why I can't voice MY opinion in the FEEDBACK section? What exactly is YOUR definition of FEEDBACK? Apparently it's different than mine.

Surely, I'll do that.

1. You said that the game is CENTRED around porn and nudity. The Red Queen obviously pointed out that it isn't, because it is just one scene. Even if there were 10 scenes like that, your exaggerated, clearly emotional statement won't be true. You have as much right to state your opinion as much everyone else has to point out the holes in your opinion and make it look stupid for what it is.

2. The Red Queen made a correlation with books and media. Do you have to say something on the matter? How is a sex scene in a setting based on the exaggerated real life (all fantasy is that) inappropriate? A lot of books have that, a lot of the time a romantic/sexual aspect kicks in later in the story or even in sequels. Take Witcher books for example. Take game of thrones. Take DnD campaigns even. Those are all FUN but have sex.

You loved what you were served in your youth. Now you act like the world is obligated to serve you all the same. Are you some authority or something?

1. Wow. Very confused here. Me that is. I NEVER said the game is CENTERED around porn. lol. Please point out where you got that from?

2. Nope, I have nothing to say about that. That has nothing to do with this game. I fail to see the point.

I was not "served in my youth". lol. And I certainly DON'T feel any obligation from ANYONE for ANYTHING. And I most certainly do NOT think I am ANY kind of "authority" on ANYTHING. lol. I don't know WHERE you're coming up with all this stuff. I most certainly am NOT better than ANYONE. Quite honestly I think I am far below most people. I can assure you I have NO ego problem.