Ragnarok you're confusing. Do I do these things with her in the room? Of course not. I clearly said "if she walks into the room". Read that again "if she walks into the room". Are you actually paying attention? My point about this part of the argument is that I am basically forced to bane her from the room. How nice.

neprostoman yes we most definitely kill shit. Lots of it. That sort of thing is what these types of games is really about. The sex is just added to it. I have zero problem with romance in a game. I don't really care if you put nudity in a game. I don't really care if you put sex in a game, except for certain games like Baldur's Gate. I personally feel it doesn't belong here. It's just not a sexual game in my opinion. Romance yes. And yes I am certainly aware that romance leads to sex. Despite what some of you obviously think, I am not an idiot. I know how things work.

As some of you have mentioned, one of the early released teasers showed this sex scene? I never saw that released teaser so I never saw the sex scene in it. Just because they released the teaser and you saw it doesn't mean everyone else saw it too.

On a little side note about this game and nudity and all, what exactly is the point of the nude elf flash during the initial start of character creation? If you pay attention when character creation very first starts you get a split second of the female elf standing there naked before they throw the barbarian clothes on her. Why? Lol. Someone is doing pointless stuff just to get off at work. But hey, who doesn't want to get off right? lol

Also a little funny side of things, kinda funny in a way anyway, I never knew that halflings were so well endowed. At least the women anyway. If you look at the models during character creation you can see that halflings, while being the smallest of all the races, have the biggest breasted women. Kudos to them I guess. This is not a complaint, I just think it's a little funny that the smallest actually have the biggest.