Yeah, now that I think about it, you never really got much mileage out of Counterspell in the main campaign outside of a few specific boss fights. In Lost Valley, you end up facing a lot more mages, several of them even capable of casting level 4-6 spells at a point where your own caster might only have level 3 spells at the most. Many of them also know counterspell and shield too (whereas in the main campaign, I think only Sorak mages actually used counterspell and shield against you), though you can bait out one or the other.
I have an example of one such fight against an enemy caster here.
My wizard in this footage only had access to level 3 spells against an enemy mage capable of casting level 5 spells. Counterspell DOESN'T have a 100% success rate in this situation. For the onlookers in the back, basic counterspell only has 100% success rate against level 3 spells and below. Anything higher requires an arcana check (which can be done with advantage provided that the counterspelling caster also knows how to cast the spell they are attempting to counter), or for you to upcast Counterspell using a higher level spell slot to match the level of the enemy spell. Remember this, because chances are this will also be very important in BG3 (and Larian will likely add options in the reaction interface taking this into account).
Since Solasta has all classes implemented now, I think the devs are working on one final DLC campaign before they start shifting all efforts into their next game. Considering that Lost Valley was a huge step up over the main campaign in the gameplay department (though the writing is debatable), I'm excited to see what they can do with this last campaign, provided it isn't rushed out the door.
However every time I try to play Pillars of Eternity 2 I instead play Solasta Lost Valley. Currently I am level 3 in Solasta Valley. I play SOLO in Lost Valley since my brother do not want to play for 2 weeks now.I will play with my brother the main story Solasta campaign we are level 6 in that.
However Solasta Lost Valley I like it. I have there: Paladin (what Oath secret I do not say) Half-Elf man: STR 19, DEX: 15, CON: 18, INT: 11, WIS: 15, CHA: 20 level 3. Cleric Battle Hill Dwarf woman: STR 18, DEX: 15, CON: 19, INT: 10, WIS: 19, CHA: 10 level 3. Warlock The Fiend Half-Elf: woman STR: 10,DEX: 16, CON: 19, INT: 9, WIS: 13, CHA: 20 level 3. Wizard Shock Arcanist High Elf woman: STR:14, DEX: 19, CON: 18, INT: 18, WIS:16, CHA: 11 level 3. Of course at level 4 I plan to get Wizard INT to 20. Well and of course play Solasta main campaign multiplayer and solo play Lost Valley expansion on Cataclysm enemies do 150% damage have really much HP and get plus to hit and saving throws deadly and smart AI hardest difficulty though I do not use Ironman mode with permanent death and only one save. Normal or Authentic challenge level is for... censored .