Joined: Nov 2022
Ragnarok you're confusing. Do I do these things with her in the room? Of course not. I clearly said "if she walks into the room". Read that again "if she walks into the room". Are you actually paying attention? My point about this part of the argument is that I am basically forced to bane her from the room. How nice.
neprostoman yes we most definitely kill shit. Lots of it. That sort of thing is what these types of games is really about. The sex is just added to it. I have zero problem with romance in a game. I don't really care if you put nudity in a game. I don't really care if you put sex in a game, except for certain games like Baldur's Gate. I personally feel it doesn't belong here. It's just not a sexual game in my opinion. Romance yes. And yes I am certainly aware that romance leads to sex. Despite what some of you obviously think, I am not an idiot. I know how things work.
As some of you have mentioned, one of the early released teasers showed this sex scene? I never saw that released teaser so I never saw the sex scene in it. Just because they released the teaser and you saw it doesn't mean everyone else saw it too.
On a little side note about this game and nudity and all, what exactly is the point of the nude elf flash during the initial start of character creation? If you pay attention when character creation very first starts you get a split second of the female elf standing there naked before they throw the barbarian clothes on her. Why? Lol. Someone is doing pointless stuff just to get off at work. But hey, who doesn't want to get off right? lol
Also a little funny side of things, kinda funny in a way anyway, I never knew that halflings were so well endowed. At least the women anyway. If you look at the models during character creation you can see that halflings, while being the smallest of all the races, have the biggest breasted women. Kudos to them I guess. This is not a complaint, I just think it's a little funny that the smallest actually have the biggest.
Joined: Aug 2021
These threads. Maybe mods should just shut these things down the moment they get made.
"Hi, this is a copypasta response to threads about adult content. There's broad, almost unanimous concensus that the animations are cringe and a preferences toggle to disable nudity and/or romance should be offered. We're locking this thread to new comments."
Because these things are almost always cookie-cutter duplicates, and always go off the rails.
Last edited by colinl8; 27/12/22 08:32 PM. Reason: Clarity
Joined: Nov 2022
I'm confused yet again. Some of you say "These posts" yet I don't see a single other post about this topic. Where are YOU seeing them?
Joined: Aug 2021
I'm confused yet again. Some of you say "These posts" yet I don't see a single other post about this topic. Where are YOU seeing them? There's at least one other right now, maybe in the general discussion forum, and they pop up once or twice a month
Joined: Feb 2021
Like I said, the sex was always there. Hells, even the whole concept of the story was that a diety went on and sired tons of children. There are ways to skip the scenes and I hope there will be a toggle for those of us who won't want to watch it for whatever reason. If not - no big deal for me personally, I have both hands on the desk and can skip either with a keyboard or a mouse if needed  This. Earlier games didn't have these kind of scenes because the technology to create them did not exist. Go back and watch the intro for BG1 with Sarevok in the tower if you need a reminder of what was possible back then. Not to mention there have been numerous mods to expand the romance options for the first two games, which didn't happen because nobody wanted it. The whole premise is asinine; if you don't want to see it, skip it. If you're worried about a young family member seeing it, you made a choice to give them access to a game with an 18+ rating and that is on you, not the developer. For example, my father did not watch Terminator 2 in the lounge at 1pm on a Sunday when I was young. He did not keep books with adult themes on shelves I could reach as an 11-year-old. My mother used to check what videos I got from Blockbuster on the rare occasions she wasn't with me in the store when I rented them. If I ever have a niece I would hope to spend our time together doing something more social than playing computer games in another room; but if I do, there is a very wide range of games I can play without fear of the sound of the doorknob... Do I think a filter button to fade to black instead is a bad idea? Absolutely not, for all kinds of reasons. But an argument that the developer shouldn't make the game they want to make because of your subjective, inaccurate nostalgia for a 20-year old prequel? It's unlikely to get any kind of response that you are looking for...
Last edited by Elessaria666; 27/12/22 09:05 PM.
Joined: Aug 2022
I'm confused yet again. Some of you say "These posts" yet I don't see a single other post about this topic. Where are YOU seeing them? https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=836226https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=837882And the "debate" is always the same. Because these things are almost always cookie-cutter duplicates, and always go off the rails. @colinl8 : It's not so much a suggestion to : disable nudity and/or romance that has been suggested but an option to disable "nudity and/or explicit sex" (fade to black where appropriate). Which is a big difference. ^^ I thoroughly enjoy the romance (including the before, a little bit during, and after sex). I just could do without the explicit (X-rated style) sex (M rated could be fine if done well). And again, as an option.
Last edited by MelivySilverRoot; 27/12/22 09:06 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
This. Earlier games didn't have these kind of scenes because the technology to create them did not exist. I can’t find definite ratings for original Baldur’s Gate1&2 but they do seem to sit comfortably in T rating even compared to its cRPG contemporaries, like Fallout. I think it is you misremembering how tame those games were. Profanities had hardly place in those game, not to mention explicit sex scenes. Edit. Whatever, anyway. It’s Baldur’s Gate game in name only, and visual, tonal and narrative issues that (as of this early build) this game has goes far beyond awkward romance cutscenes.
Last edited by Wormerine; 27/12/22 11:52 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Ragnarok you're confusing. Not at all ... But have it your way: What would you do "if she walks into the room" (exact quote, im really curious what excuse will you use this time  ) while you were watching porn and masturbating? Purely hypotetical question! Anyway ... do the same with that game and you are fine.  And no, i dont mean hide monitor into your pants as fast as possible. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Aug 2014
[The whole premise is asinine; if you don't want to see it, skip it. If I don't want to "skip it". The writing and cinematic execution just need to be more tasteful and technically of much higher quality. If they can't pull these scenes off well, it's better to cut them short. And frankly, after seeing the limitations of the engine concerning character models interacting, I would prefer the animation team spend their efforts on something else entirely besides awkward 69'ing.
Joined: Dec 2022
But have it your way: What would you do "if she walks into the room" (exact quote, im really curious what excuse will you use this time  ) while you were watching porn and masturbating? WTF
Joined: Jan 2021
I think my preference falls closer to how DOS2 handled things. I don't think the animation is up to it, and a degree of 'imagination' makes for a better experience filling in the blanks IMO. I think sentiments similar to mine were expressed in the old big thread on the Minthara sex scene, but my feelings were that -opinions on the quality of the animations and explicit animations in general aside- the physical body language of the scene itself felt very off, and didn't really match what I was expecting from the dialogue both prior to the act in the scene where she seduces you at the goblin 'party' and earlier when she sends you the psychic projection of her desires after the raid on the grove. A fade to black, possibly with a narration (like DOS2 handled things) I think might have been preferable.
Joined: Oct 2020
it's sad that this gets so many posts and important threads don"t:)
Joined: Jul 2022
I agree that the tone of this topic is extreme and hostile and over the top, but it's not as simple as you make it out. I would like the ability to have romance without seeing two pixel models doing it. Romance does not equal sex. I will never, ever understand the sort of people who can watch hours upon hours of wanton and graphic violence but suddenly start clutching their pearls at a 45-second sex scene. The game is rated M. If you don't like games that are rated M, then don't play them. Also, there are story and dialogue wrapped into the sex events in BG3 that you miss unless you watch the sex scenes. Such as? I am also not keen on the vulgarity of the duergar. I get it. Story wise, it fits, but I don't like it and would love to have a beep out system so I don't have to hear or read their vulgarity everywhere I go in Grymforge
This could all be solved by Larian providing an option to fade to black and censor foul language. Rated. M. Do they have the right to not do this and to leave as is? Absolutely. No question. Would it be nice if they provided the censor option? Absolutely. I would have a ton more respect for them if they did. That's crazy, I would lose respect for them if they deviated from implementing promised features in order to essentially make a version of the game that is rated T and delay the game even further. Not every game is for everyone. If you believe it'd be unreasonable to ask Nintendo to add sex scenes to Animal Crossing, then what you're doing is exactly as unreasonable.
Joined: Oct 2020
it's sad that this gets so many posts and important threads don"t:) Is it? Seems only natural to me ... Thats why we have so many magazines talking about wich famous people sleep with each other ... and so little magazines about politic.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Mar 2020
I will never, ever understand the sort of people who can watch hours upon hours of wanton and graphic violence but suddenly start clutching their pearls at a 45-second sex scene.
The game is rated M. If you don't like games that are rated M, then don't play them. I think there is difference in the way Larian handles violence and sex. Even so, it is a game set in Dungeon&Dragons setting, not whore houses and dildos. Is it so shocking that at least part of the audience is put off but soft porn cutscenes in their dungeon delving games? I mean FromSoftware games are pretty grim and violent, but I feel it would be a bit out of place if I run into sex scene. On top of that, games tend to do violence very well and tend to attract people who enjoy that kind of entertainment. Games are adversarial in their nature. A sex scene cutscene is just that - an uninteractive cutscene. Existence of such content (uninteractive cutscenes) is questionable at best, especially if they are disposable. I am also not keen on the vulgarity of the duergar. Rated. M. So in your opinion M rating absolves the game from any criticism on its writing and content? I strongly disagree. Any content can be badly written/directed or just doesn’t benefit the movie/film/book from being there in the first place. Godfather book has this lengthy subplot about how big penis Sonny has, with entire subplot of a girl who had an unusually big vagina and only Sony could satisfy her, and so on and so on. The film mostly cut this subplot - and to anyones shock it is better for it! That's crazy, I would lose respect for them if they deviated from implementing promised features in order to essentially make a version of the game that is rated T and delay the game even further.
Not every game is for everyone. If you believe it'd be unreasonable to ask Nintendo to add sex scenes to Animal Crossing I think if another studio did an Animal Crossing game I think it would be fair to complain if that game had explicit sex scenes and profanities, which is the situation we have with BG3. BG1&2 are rated T. Not that I personally expect them to do anything at this point, aside from making cutscenes at least a bit less bad. But they are not absolved from criticism - an age rating is reflection of the content in game, but is not a proof that this content should be there in the first place, or that it is done well. Ride to Hell had M rating and it was till rather crap (or so I heard).
Joined: Jul 2022
So in your opinion M rating absolves the game from any criticism on its writing and content? Did I miss where Back_Stabbath said that?
Joined: Feb 2021
I agree that the tone of this topic is extreme and hostile and over the top, but it's not as simple as you make it out. I would like the ability to have romance without seeing two pixel models doing it. Romance does not equal sex. I will never, ever understand the sort of people who can watch hours upon hours of wanton and graphic violence but suddenly start clutching their pearls at a 45-second sex scene. The game is rated M. If you don't like games that are rated M, then don't play them. Also, there are story and dialogue wrapped into the sex events in BG3 that you miss unless you watch the sex scenes. Such as? I am also not keen on the vulgarity of the duergar. I get it. Story wise, it fits, but I don't like it and would love to have a beep out system so I don't have to hear or read their vulgarity everywhere I go in Grymforge
This could all be solved by Larian providing an option to fade to black and censor foul language. Rated. M. Do they have the right to not do this and to leave as is? Absolutely. No question. Would it be nice if they provided the censor option? Absolutely. I would have a ton more respect for them if they did. That's crazy, I would lose respect for them if they deviated from implementing promised features in order to essentially make a version of the game that is rated T and delay the game even further. Not every game is for everyone. If you believe it'd be unreasonable to ask Nintendo to add sex scenes to Animal Crossing, then what you're doing is exactly as unreasonable. Wow. Why so hostile? I'm not asking them to remove the sex scenes and vulgarity. Just provide an option - maybe - if it isn't too much trouble, for the sake of increasing their own sales potential to reach a greater audience. There are people who don't like watching sex scenes but they like violence. There are people who can't handle violence but they love watching sex on screen. There are people who hate cursing and those who curse like sailors because they don't seem to like normal speech. M does not mean Sex. It means Mature for various possible content. Also Baldur's Gate 3 is a sequel that many want to play because of the story and characters. Some people, like me, struggle to buy a game like BG3 with an M rating that says it has sex scenes because I've been burnt before. There are games where you walk into an area and a graphic sexual thing happens. Those are immediate Nope games to me. If I can play the game and at least avoid the sex scenes, I'll buy it and play it, so for that I am grateful to Larian. However, when a game puts content into sex scenes so that I have to watch them to gain insight into characters backstories etc, that's not cool. I've struggled through the weird Minthara scene once, and I remember dialogue that helps you learn a little more about her character and backstory. I remember Astarion having some sequence about his past and his back scars. I can't remember anything else because it's been like 2 years or something, but whatever. The point is, content can be missed unless you watch sex with pixels. Finally, I like romance in games, but I like it when they either don't include the sex aspect or they fade to black. BG games did this in the past when you develop a romance with one of them. I remember Seige of Dragonspear, developing a romance with the Captain lady. At the end, you have the option to sleep with her. If you say yes, fade to black. No weird sex animations, noises, etc. But the romance was there throughout the game. That was fun. BG3 romance is abrupt, graphic and weird, and I don't enjoy it. I'd like the option to remove it.
Joined: Oct 2020
it's sad that this gets so many posts and important threads don"t:) Is it? Seems only natural to me ... Thats why we have so many magazines talking about wich famous people sleep with each other ... and so little magazines about politic. well didnt know bg 3 and those share the same target audience but ok hehehe anyway carry one.
Last edited by Lastman; 28/12/22 12:05 PM.
Joined: Jul 2022
To GM4Him
What if sex is crucial to character's backstory? What if it helps to form the character image? If you are skipping on what Larian wants to tell about their characters - it means you are not that interested in their story as you pretend to be.
Edit: the way I see it, games are art. They are born from an idea and are shapen by people who invested in that idea. You don't teach other people how to and how not to do art. I am not talking about you now, just in general. If a game starts to please audiences rather than staying true to the idea and becomes more politics rather than art then I lose interest in it. We can love art, we can hate art, but to blame art is beyond me. Thats why I completely disagree with the tone of the whole rant the OP wrote in the first place
Last edited by neprostoman; 28/12/22 12:16 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2022
I'm not asking them to remove the sex scenes and vulgarity. Just provide an option - maybe - if it isn't too much trouble, for the sake of increasing their own sales potential to reach a greater audience. Have you considered *not* selecting four times in a row a specific dialogue option to see the sex scene?