Originally Posted by GM4Him
I agree that the tone of this topic is extreme and hostile and over the top, but it's not as simple as you make it out. I would like the ability to have romance without seeing two pixel models doing it. Romance does not equal sex.

I will never, ever understand the sort of people who can watch hours upon hours of wanton and graphic violence but suddenly start clutching their pearls at a 45-second sex scene.

The game is rated M. If you don't like games that are rated M, then don't play them.

Also, there are story and dialogue wrapped into the sex events in BG3 that you miss unless you watch the sex scenes.

Such as?

I am also not keen on the vulgarity of the duergar. I get it. Story wise, it fits, but I don't like it and would love to have a beep out system so I don't have to hear or read their vulgarity everywhere I go in Grymforge

This could all be solved by Larian providing an option to fade to black and censor foul language.



Do they have the right to not do this and to leave as is? Absolutely. No question. Would it be nice if they provided the censor option? Absolutely. I would have a ton more respect for them if they did.

That's crazy, I would lose respect for them if they deviated from implementing promised features in order to essentially make a version of the game that is rated T and delay the game even further.

Not every game is for everyone. If you believe it'd be unreasonable to ask Nintendo to add sex scenes to Animal Crossing, then what you're doing is exactly as unreasonable.