Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Eyebreaker
Ragnarok you're confusing.
Not at all ...

But have it your way:
What would you do "if she walks into the room" (exact quote, im really curious what excuse will you use this time laugh ) while you were watching porn and masturbating?

Purely hypotetical question!
Anyway ... do the same with that game and you are fine. wink
And no, i dont mean hide monitor into your pants as fast as possible. laugh

Um, I don't know about anyone else but if I'm masturbating then my door is closed and locked so this sort of thing doesn't happen. Not sure why those of you that don't lock the door don't actually lock the door? As for doing it with the game? Well again I don't know about others but I do seriously play games a ton more than I masturbate. If you're masturbating more than gaming then you're either not gaming much or you have a serious problem. Not meaning that as an attack on anyone that masturbates a lot but it is an actual problem. Also as far as masturbating and gaming goes, the masturbating is guaranteed to be happening when you are doing it. The sex appearing on the screen when you're gaming isn't.

I find it funny that some of you say things like "If you don't lt skip through it" yet you don't "skip" my post. It's ok for you to complain about my complaint but I can't do the actual complaint itself? Lol. For the record, the only problem I have about all of you complaining about my complaint is that it seems hypocritical that you can complain but I can't. Kinda funny really. And for those of you saying "these sort of posts are everywhere" I don't understand why it's totally ok to post millions of positive posts but when someone posts a negative one it's so tragically wrong. Don't like my post? Leave it alone and don't read it. You know like some of you keep telling me "Skip it". Lol.
I'll restate my words again, I don't care if you put sex in a game, I just feel it doesn't belong in Baldur's Gate. Why? I guess because I played the first 2 without it and now in the sequal it just seems really wrong and highly unnescesary to me. Honestly I don't see why it's even needed in any game to begin with but if you want it fine. It's a game people. We have porn and we have games. Why do we need to combine them? Lol.