Originally Posted by Sozz
I think your confusing being purposeless with being unskilled.

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
I think that saying you have to create good art to be an artist isn't really the right way to go.
(…) The question of when someone goes from being 'a person who makes art' to 'an artist' is a blurry line, but I don't think the quality of the art is a deciding factor. I think that your example of 'someone who can drive' and 'a driver' is honestly worse (…)
(…) An artist can consistently put out poor quality work and that doesn't mean they're not an artist. It just means they're a bad artist. (…) As for complaining about BG3 being a wide appeal commercial product, that doesn't make it any less art. Shakespear was a wide appeal commercial product.(…) Is BG3 shakespear? No, it's not. But it's still art. The question is if it's good art or not.
Fair enough, and I concede, especially to @Grey Ghost.

Originally Posted by snowram
I am curious to know if anyone has a examples of intimate scenes in a video game done right. What is your standard there?
Mass Effect1 was decent. As far as graphic sex scenes go I thought Witcher3 did well, with well established relationships which bled into the sex scenes. Those had narrative to them, and did well to established intimacy between two characters rather then nudity for the sake of the player (thought there is definitely that as well).

A good example where intimate scene got better through removal of the sex scene was Mafia1 => Mafia: Definitive Edition.

D:OS2 Red Prince/Princess

Edit. Ah, Saints Row4. For people with “you are fine with violence in BG3 but not with sex” this is closer to what sex scenes in BG3 should be if they wanted to match the silly combat. That’s what one calls: Tonally consistant.

Last edited by Wormerine; 28/12/22 09:14 PM.