Okay guys, we're seeing an uptick in unsatisfied moon druid players (myself included) and we're seeing people vehemently against them. Some people wanna buff bear at level 4 by giving it multiattack, other people wanna tell you to stfu. That's the gist of what's going on.

I'm here today with a new idea. So the bear seems to be shoe horned into some sort of tank role, as evidenced by its taunt, higher HP, and crap damage rolls. Fine, okay. So the bear is some sort of tank, then where's our melee damage wildshape? Our highest damage wildshape, the deep rothe, is a little weak. And worst of all? Land druids have access to it. I just threw up in my mouth.

I propose a different change... The Deeper Rothe!

  • Make the deep rothe a moon exclusive wildshape, first and foremost. Land has access to too much anyways, it makes no sense to give them this form. Give moon some identity would ya!

  • Keep its stats the same. That includes its 23 health, 10 AC.

  • Nerf it's Gore attack from 3d4+4 to 2d4+4. Stay with me here!

  • Give it access to Rage and Frenzied strike. We see these abilities on the level 5 boar companion for beastmasters and honestly every moon druid is foaming at the mouth.

What does this accomplish? Well, so it keeps its worse stats from the Polar Bear. Less AC, less health, less constitution, etc. It sacrifices a bit of damage from its Gore primary attack but gains rage, which adds +2 damage to its attacks as well as access to Frenzied strike, a bonus action attack that would be 1d8+4. And you may be wondering...

How is this any different from just giving it multiattack? Great question reader! So wildshape, Rage, and Frenzied attack all require bonus actions. This means that you got some ramp up time. If you were to use this mid battle, it'd take you 2 turns of setup just to get that second attack. Conversely you could pre-cast deep rothe before a fight and sacrifice your opportunity to cast from range before enemies close in and still have 1 round of setup to cast Rage.

I am open to suggestions of tweaking some things and I'd love to hear yalls constructive feedback on this idea before I submit it to the suggestions forum.

Last edited by Hintermist; 28/12/22 09:58 PM.