Originally Posted by professoryins
I'm an artist, an artist is under no requirement to do anything. They teach people artistic techniques, and theories, the artists accepts, rejects or creates new techniques or theories as they see fit.

You are allowed to critique art, you can not like art. But the artist isnt required to accept, believe, or value your opinion.
What you describe is free will, and non-artists are also blessed with it. No one is required to take anyones feedback, especially mine.

So things I have learned so far:
1) BG3 is art
2) sex scenes in BG3 are art
3) Larian is an artist and is free to do whatever they see fit


4) art can be shit
5) artist can make bad art/be a bad artist

As Larian’s legal or moral rights to shaping BG3 as they see fit was never in question, as far as as can tell, BG3 status as art, and Larian status as artist is irrelevant.

And more importantly to me returning to the point that amused me so much to spawn this whole tangent:

Originally Posted by neprostoman
Edit: the way I see it, games are art. They are born from an idea and are shapen by people who invested in that idea. You don't teach other people how to and how not to do art.
If art can be shit and artist incompetent, that means making art is a skill and therefore it can be taught. Feedback can be wrong or it can be right. Decisions Larian made can be right or wrong. I am probably not a right person to teach anything, but that doesn’t mean that Larian couldn’t learn a few things. Hey they just learned, in spite of some naysayers on this forum, that reaction pop ups are good! Oh, poor artists, sacrificing their vision of the game for the sake of it being just a little bit better then before!

Last edited by Wormerine; 29/12/22 01:52 AM.