Imma hard disagree. I don't think land druid should be losing shapes, that just reduces your options and makes it more boring. I think though, that both subclasses should not share exact shapes statistically.

I think moon druid should have the stronger version of the forms and land druid the weaker version. An example from RAW d&d:

Moon Druid gets:
-Dire Wolf
-Brown Bear
-Giant Spider

Land Druid gets:
-Black Bear
-Giant Wolf Spider

Now I wouldn't use the exact statistics as Moon druid deservedly needed the nerf. If it were up to me I'd give moon druid the current wildshapes at level 2 (giant spider, polar bear, wolf) and buff them slightly at level 4 to reduce the awkward gap from lvl 2 to 6 (when theyd unlock new stronger wildshapes). And I would give land druid weaker versions of the same beasts and likely buff them at level 4 as well (to emulate their CR 1/2 unlock they should get).

The big problem with moon druid I currently see is that there's no reason to choose it as the land druid gets the strongest shape (giant spider) and wildshapes somewhat equal in power to the polar bear (rothe and wolf). The draw of moon druid should not be more wildshape options (both subclasses should have a somewhat equal variety to their wildshapes) but just stronger wildshapes so they can be more combat viable. I also think the land druid should get access to a flying form as well (weaker though, likely as vulnerable as the cat) because again, I believe both subclasses should have a wide variety of wildshapes that feel equal in power to each other (so you dont feel pin holed into choosing the optimal one).

Now another big problem: The Giant Spider. It is my opinion that this bastard is far and beyond the other wildshapes available and this is super problematic because land druids get access to it. Statisticly the giant spider is based on a CR 1 creature (again land druids should not be getting this form). But the biggest problem with this form is the web ability and its 'arachnid jump'. For the measily cost of a bonus action the giant spider can cast a 2nd level spell (web) at the reduced cost of a bonus action AND without concentration, allowing them to cast it as many times as they'd like, applying an aoe enweb and difficult terrain. The spider also for some reason, known for their jumping ability?, get a bonus action 40ft jump that costs no movement making it the most mobile of the combat viable shapes.

So yeah, overall I'd say
-give land druid weaker versions of moon druids shapes but don't give them reduced options
-buff both druids' forms slightly at level 4 so they can keep up (wildshapes are still insanely strong at levels 2 and 3 so it isn't necessary till then)