Originally Posted by Aurora42
Not sure i shall laugh or cry, why is it that leavng a trail of dead people, hacked up by weapons, burned to crisp by spells, is perfectly alright, and not controversial at all... but for some reason if nudity or sex is shown, its some horrific porn festival that should be banished and we should all be a shamed couse its perfectly a natural things and its part of the human thing to exist...

I might be a pagan skandinavian, but im just flabber gasted, isnt murder and killing worse then, something thats actually well natural ?... perspectives i guess

It's like this. Sex is, in the minds of many, myself included, meant to be intimate and private and not on display for the world to see. So people like me don't enjoy shows and movies and games that display such things. It's inappropriate.

Also, from a moral standpoint, watching sex on screen arouses unhealthy sexual desires in many; a lot moreso than violence. Sex is like a drug to a lot of people, and there are individuals who cannot control their sexual appetites. Thus, displaying sex on screens wets their appetites and with no healthy way to satisfy it, they go out and hurt people.

Now, please note:. I am just explaining why some have more problems with sex than violence. Well, aside from religious beliefs stating that it is a sin to display sex in such a way.

But then, many also have religious issues with violence in games too. I know a LOT of people who would NEVER play BG3 and would consider anyone who does a fallen sinner who deserves Hell just for playing this game. If they knew I was playing it, they'd condemn me for sure... Even though there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Yet many Christians are the first to condemn others even though Jesus taught that we should not judge or condemn.

But anyway. That's just part of why this is an issue. Thought I'd explain since so many seemed to be mystified by it.

Last edited by GM4Him; 29/12/22 02:21 PM.