I just don't see how nerfing land druids shapes at 2 and 3 will benefit anything. None of their forms are OP at those levels.

Do you have any proposed buffs to level 4 moon shapes? Because that's the issue I'm trying to solve, and this is my solution. Much of the community will snap at you if you mention giving bear its multi-attack at 4, so I'm just trying to find a solution that everyone can live with.

Your issue seems to be that I'm removing deep rothe from land druids, but why does that matter? Deep rothe in its current state is not very good. Land druids don't have much reason to even use the form, nor do they need it. They have all they need right now without it. To be honest they have better shapes than they deserve as is, but because of action economy they are just much worse at using them (except spider) so I feel it's a fair trade.

What buffs to moon druids do you propose that won't upset the balance? Because from where I'm sitting, buffing the damage on a damage wildshape is the best course rather than buffing the damage on the tankiest wildshape.