people will say the same about darker paths or gore... its a game, a story about real life, any good story will have life like elements in it... lets do as you say, Larian removes everything thats offensive or can be percived as troubling, so... what should that be ?, evil ?, should they alow people to lie, cheat, steal, where do you draw the line, how far are you willing to chastice the imagination of a story, or do we allow the story to have uncomfterble ellements, just like most books, moives, have ?... couse if you go down the path of chastasing things based on certain people and their beliefs, we could bascially just end up with a combat simulator... couse the story cant have troubling elements, couse people cant deal with fiction, be it romance(sex) or gore, or evil etc...

Then as for how things eolve as the tech advances, things are getting grafical, but that goes across the line, everything is getting more grafic, where the writing and sounds carried most of the very basic pixels back in the day, there were still avatar pictures that in many cases were more or less sexualiced, boob, bikini armour ?... and as for combat, when you looked at two people fighting as piexels, well not very grafic, compare that with how heads or limbs are chopped off, how the grafic are changed to hurt and wounded, and people get roasted to crisps as smoldering corpses... all these things is more or less mature for a reason... this sort of is the same reasoning goverments in Iran try to enforce on wimen, the have to carry hijab, couse some males cant control them self... well thats not my problem, its a game, a story its not real, and grafics evolve and get more lifelike, that dosent change that it still not real... it just helps to emerse things like any grafic improvment, and yea i can think a head chopped of can feel uncomfterble, but thats part of something lifelike ?

Its a book, movie, game, its fiction to be emersed in, and its labaled ?

Last edited by Aurora42; 29/12/22 08:00 PM.