Originally Posted by Aurora42
Sure they could ?, but why should they, these things has allways been in the BG saga, and as the years gone everything evolve... im not sure how i can tell you this in a nice way, i respect your views, but dont force them on others... the game is rated as it is, deal with it...

To explain alittle where i come from, i at times go to a bath house, or bastu(sauna) think its steam bath in english, there is those Saunas that split between genders, and those that is for both, but main thing is, clouthes isnt allowed in most Saunas, you enjoy the sauna with people, you talk, and its often people you dont know, or never met... people isnt secualy aroused or have a hard on... its not a big thing, its nekkid people enjoying a healthy steam bath...

Are you implaying scandinavian people are doing it wrong ?

You are esentually telling me that i cant enjoy a sauna naked as we for generations done, couse you feel uncomfterble arond strangers thats naked... well lol... there is things i like in life and there is things i dont like, if i dont likesomething or feel uncomfterble, i avoid it... but i dont try to force peopel to change their work, maybe they enjoy it as it is ?...

and maybe go to the bath house where people dont sauna naked

I'm not forcing anything. I'm asking for an option to turn it off so I can enjoy the game, and I'd they make the sex and vulgarity worse, an option to turn it off allows me to finish the game without having to grit my teeth and bear it and/or without having to determine whether I should just chuck the game as opposed to finish it. Why should they? Because I am obviously not alone. If they provide the option, they could gain more customers and more returning customers.