Originally Posted by Aurora42
If they follow the other BG games and how romance work there, it will have its part in the game, it will open up its own quests and little tid bits, that said, you dont need to romance anyone to finish the game, and you will have other options...

Also Larian will as far as i know "evolve" everything equally, exactly as combat grafic gets more grafical, so is the romance scenes, exactly as the voice dialouge gets improved it improves across the board... its just how it gets as computor games more and more lifelike...

When you build a tree of dialouge, things lead or cross lead as the story evolve... now i am just taking these things up, in act1 in a alpha, we get a glimpse into the early embers of "romance", then ponder on how other BG games been, these romance quest lines/stories will continue to evolve across the entire story...

That said, you dont have to romance anyone to finish the story, but side or alternative content might be tied to it... example i never seen the minthara content, couse i aint thrilled by that kind of "evil" content, but as you see, you can still evolve the story, it have several paths to manuvere it...

And as i told you earlier, its not like its hard to avoid these scenes if you so choose... you dont need to romance anyone to finish the game... its sort of problematic how to "access" everything, as depending on our choises, if i please Shadowheart, i tend to piss off LAezel etc, if i betray certain people and go with Minthara, i will miss out on those i betray...

You express it, like you are going to miss out on the entire game, and i agree with you IF you had to see these things to finish the game... i can asure you, you wont need to romance anyone to finnish the game, will you miss some things attached to the romance, probably, but all of us will miss out on things, couse as i said, you cant please everyone in these games, its sort of impossible to do everthing in one run... ? and if you are prompted, do you want to go and spend the night together with some one special, perhaps take the hint since its a mature game ?... ^.^

That's why I said that as long as they keep going with it as they are now, I'll live with not having romance. If they do MORE sex stuff like the bugbear and ogre where I was just exploring and accidentally walked in on a not so funny to me situation, if that kind of stuff gets worse, and they don't provide a way to censor it, that may just ruin the game. I'm saying that if they start having hookers in practically nothing trying to seduce you, and you had 0 option to avoid it... Yep. I'm out. I don't like that crap in games.

That said, it will still disappoint me greatly that I won't be able to romance any character in the game like I had with the rest of the BG series because I know explicit sex is involved. There won't be any Revan and Bastilla style romance for me - not in BG3 because I can't fade to black and thus far there is 0 build up to anything. The only "romance" in BG3 I can have will likely be more like 50 Shades of Gray, which I would never be caught dead seeing.

So regardless, I'm not planning on romance in this game, and hopefully they will at least keep the truly explicit stuff to their sex scenes and not mixed in with the whole game I plan to create my own stories and romances, creating my own parties of custom characters and making up romances between them. That's about the best I can do. It's not as much fun, but it beats the alternative.