Let me tell you a story, in the early days of D&D, we found a chain mail, it was good probably magical, but in any case, one of the male fighters tried it and it looked like a armour... so then i tried it, as a female elf, and it dident look at all like what the male fighter had, it was now a chainmail bikini...
We can smile at this, and we should, couse we are playing a fantasy game, where the heroes is chaddier and the heroins are whensier... and its not said in a mean politcal way, its just part of the nerdy fantasy setting, where boob armour is a thing... its a game where

in spells as a desciptor is evil no matter what you do, and it has nothing about what right or wrong, its just part of the fantasy fact, it just is...
Im not going to tell you how you play your game or how you have fun... but please, leave fantasy to be fantasy, allow a chad to be a chad, or boob armour to exist... its escapism and just for funs and giggles
PS to play devils advocate, if you want to be a IT, and you put on a cursed item that switch your gender... what do you turn out as ?, or would you be immune as you are technicaly gender neutral ?