your missing the point, regardless if its gorey or nude... that pixel representaion in BG, or that more or less nude whore in BG, when we looked at the combat or what ever it was back then, things got "blured" not by the fact Larian wanted that, just couse the pixels couldent show more, if you now aply the advances in grafics, to combat, or that nude whore and show it in BG3... the diffrence to what we can see or experience is alot more , and it has nothing just with blood and violence, it just includes everything...

And those examples is grainey, and simple compared to what we have to day... and yea, there was some grafics back then, that looked better, but we are not talking about the edge cases, thats a strawman... we are talking about the standard... example go inside BG the game and look at all the sprites and grafics, IN ENGINE, they handle everything on same basis... Larian dident try to single out certain things, they had a form and used that in BG, nothing was singled out and those edged cases couldent be inside the actual engine as we played, couse lol, our computors couldent handle it... what can be handled as standard across the norm, in engine now is a huge diffrence, and they apply it across the board... and again nothing is singled out, its same across EVERYTHING in engine

My point still stands, Larian has never tried to hold things back, or dress it up, no matter how uncomfterble it is, they tried to add it, and aply it as a experience across the board... nothing is singled out, to be more or less what it should, and thats how it should be

Last edited by Aurora42; 04/01/23 01:03 AM.