Originally Posted by Aurora42
wich again proves my point, that nude whore in BG1 in engine, that sprite dident show anything... but if you aply same standard grafics to that nude whore and show it in BG3, it will show a whole lot more... and that has nothing to do with Larian wanting to be more focused to do so, their aplying the grafics at their disposal across the board for averything...

Prostitute in Baldur's Gate. Her name is Quenash.

[Linked Image from blogger.googleusercontent.com]

I somehow don't see her as having to be that much more naked and such if they were to update her model. Based on what I see, she's actually probably more clothed than Aelith in the Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance for PS2.

Last edited by GM4Him; 04/01/23 03:34 AM.