Originally Posted by snowram
Originally Posted by GM4Him
I don't understand your point. Yes, better graphics doesn't always implies being more explicit, but sometimes it does. Look at Doom, GTA or Metal Gear, they evolved from their primitive origins and added explicit violence or nudity. Those franchises have never been more popular. Sometimes you have to accept that the world isn't centered around you.

Wow. I in no way think the world evolves around me. Where did you get that from anything I've said?


Ok. Here's my point: The bottom line of all this back and forth is that there are a lot of people who just want porn displayed in the game, and there are a lot of people who don't. All the arguments given are just excuses. Nothing more and nothing less. Better graphics do not in any way dictate that a game needs porn. People are only using updated graphics as an excuse because they just plain want it.

But, adding porn does isolate the audience because now all those who don't like it may not buy the game. Period.