Originally Posted by Silver/
Lying does not go against your oath. Seriously, at least in Bg3, it doesn't on principle. I'm not done with my testing yet, but

1. You may kill, deceive, rob, intimidate and ambush.

2. You may not, no matter who it is, /kill/ any NPC that doesn't want to fight you. (Including cowardly goblins in blighted village on the principle of cowardice. Even If they've murdered and will murder again. /Come on, Larian?!/)

Exceptions are made and will be VERY obvious. Non literal examples: Anders --> "You have abandoned my god. Die". Gut --> "Now that you're here alone in this room with me, DIE for asking me to abandon my oath"...

Oath of the ancients can do whatever you want in Zhentariim hideout. Provided, you take the flask & refuse to hand it over. No matter If you fail or succeed your throws, it will end in combat at the moment. (Hey, that's my food for Gale! He needs it more than them 🥺)

In practice, that means your paladin can't kill first and ask questions later. The game is attempting you to -- and at times extremely badly -- "talk things out". If after that talking someone wants to kill you, that's on them! 😇

On second thought, Astarion and the scharlatan Oath of the Ancients Tiefling may have been a terrible influence...

This is more or less in line with my experience as an Oath of Devotion paladin.

Except I also found that he could kill at least some neutrals he'd decided were better off dead (e.g. the duergar slavers) without breaking his oath as long as he did this with his divine smite, a spell or even alchemist's fire. As long as he didn't strike the finishing blow with a weapon, all was hunky dory. That surely is a bug.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"