Originally Posted by Krom
Originally Posted by GM4Him
Originally Posted by Krom
They don't show sex to sell the game, although sex does sell, as does violence.

They show it because it's there, and you can choose not to partake in it, like you can avoid killing everyone in your path, but the option is there.

The sex scenes do not force you into anything, you don't have to romance anyone, you don't have to change your favorite role play style.

Some characters will be more weird than others.

Naming it cartoon porn is your own interpretation of it.

Porn is fully about sex, a scene in the game does not constitute the whole game, nor does the game revolve around it.

Part of the issue with these threads is that they are long, and people only get parts of the whole Convo. I've said before, if they keep the sex scenes as optional, basically nothing more in your face that you can't avoid, I'm not gonna quit playing the game. I can avoid the sex scenes and finish BG3. Granted, I WISH I could have a romance in the game without necessarily explicit sex scenes, but...

My fear is that they will make the graphic sex unavoidable at some point. Then I won't be able to finish the game.

Knowing Larian i honestly wouldn't worry about that. You are going to be able to have a romance without sex even, it's a big possibility, or at least without anything graphic.

I was mostly replying to the OP :3

Ah yes. The OP... The one who started the ball rolling, stirred people up and dipped. Lol.

But yes. Based on DOS 2 and EA, seems like I'll be fine. Still, now that Full Release is approaching, this thread has gotten me to ponder the possibility that Larian could throw more sex into this game and thus prevent me from playing to the end. So I've been just a tad nervous.