Yeah, I understand your point, but it's okay that it doesn't it in this example.

You can also see: paladin killing surrendered goblin = bad. Telling Wyll to do it himself If he wants him dead = alright. Killing an imprisoned goblin = bad. Watching someone else do it (the tiefling) = fine.

In general, you are allowed to straight up kill people who abandoned your god or ask you to break your oath (by swearing loyalty to something opposing it, or If you yourself willingly pretend to follow another code). That's the big "exceptions" apply to you may not kill people (who don't want to fight). It seems pretty evil to me, but that's the "righteous" path.

Oath of devotion forbids to even pretend to follow another god or code, though you may lie about anything else to achieve a "good" enough outcome. Oath of the ancients locks you out of dubious magic and harming animals. As I understand it, an oath of Devotion paladin is enraged when even thinking about submitting to another cause. You do get oathbroken for going too far against what is believeable to have justification for/OOC.

Last edited by Silver/; 05/01/23 01:39 PM. Reason: Typo