Per 5e rules, you cannot cast one leveled Action spell and one leveled Bonus Action spell in the same turn. Some people agree with what you said--getting rid of this restriction--for various reasons.
Quicken turns an Action-cost spell into a Bonus Action-cost. Thus, a Quickened spell falls under the "no leveled Action + leveled BA spell" rule.
- At the very least, this restriction should be followed for Quickened spells. Otherwise you can get easily the Fireball + Fireball occurrence.
- This could alternatively be balanced by higher sorcery point costs. Something like 2*spell level, so Quickening a Fireball costs 6 points.
Additionally, the "Action" granted by Haste can only be used for a single attack, the dash/disengage/hide action, or use an object per 5e rules. NOT multiple attacks via Extra Attack. NOT any spell.
...none of the above restrictions are in BG3.
Thank you for the explanation!
I can definitely agree with a change to make "the "Action" granted by Haste ...
only be used for a single attack, the dash/disengage/hide action, or use an object".
I remain on the fence about using levelled spells as Actions and Bonus Actions, even if the Quickened Spell case were allowed (though admittedly I have only played a sorceror once and may be wrong in my assumption that this is not something a sorceror would be able to do many times a day). But I wouldn't object to application of 5e rules here, though I'd miss being able to cast a spell and Misty Step, or cast a cleric spell and Healing Word in particular.