Originally Posted by Niara
On a more serious note - I'm actually against having skill checks in intimate moments; these should be scenes and sequences that you have the freedom to rp and guide as you wish to, as a player, not beholden to the fickle dice.
Haha, well, and I am, actually quite serious.

For one it would bring love scene closer to the rest of the game tone wise. And the other - skill checks are a primary non-combat mechanic, and D&D isn’t about what what you as a player want to do, it’s what you character can do. Mix of both would probably be the best solution. Yeah, it would be a bit ridiculous but so is having them in a first place. Surely, completely failing the love encounter would be more memorable than what we have now…. And people so want the “realism”, no?

Edit. Oh gosh, see me loosing any hope that the game will be any decent above eek

Last edited by Wormerine; 07/01/23 01:16 PM.