About all of the above - wasn't Pathfinder 2E just doing all of it from the get-go? At least, from my limited knowledge of it.

Outright revoking OGL 1.0 seems like an utterly idiotic move on their part, though - wasn't its purpose specifically raising awareness of the system and encouraging people to try the real thing after having played around with a homebrew variation? Not to mention that there was stuff like KotOR which uses d20 but is heavily altered. How is that going to work legally, considering it's Disney property? Not 15 years pass since 4e flopped and they seem to be doing something rather... strange again.

Is there an example of a middle ground between something like this and GW tossing WH license around without much regard for the quality of the end product (Darktide sure came out... rough, for one, and we've had numerous examples of very bad WH40k games over the last decade, plus Sega having Creative Assembly pump out one TW: Warhammer after another even after the setting was scrapped and turned into Age of Sigmar.

Last edited by Brainer; 09/01/23 03:28 AM.